Tag Archives: Berkshire Hathaway

>Munger "Recuses Himself" As Frontrunning Focus Shifts To His BYD Purchase

>It’s coming out like a can of worms…. It’s not just with 2 and 20 that fund managers make a killing…seems they’re all guilty of the same thing – Frontrunning

Charlie Munger may be just as guilty of a comparable attempt at frontrunning a Berkshire purchase through his previously undisclosed holdings of a 3% stake in BYD

see the story below from zero hedge

Munger “Recuses Himself” As Frontrunning Focus Shifts To His BYD Purchase
Author: Tyler Durden
April 6, 2011

A few days ago, we disclosed that based on David Sokol’s testimony to CNBC, Buffett’s right hand man, Charlie Munger, may be just as guilty of a comparable attempt at frontrunning a Berkshire purchase through his previously undisclosed holdings of a 3% stake in BYD. And despite the Octogenarian’s wishes that this story remain dead and buried, Bloomberg has decided to once again bring it up to popular attention. “Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Vice Chairman Charles Munger said his family was invested in BYD Co. “for years” before his company took a stake in the Chinese automaker and that he disclosed the financial interest to his business partner Warren Buffett. “I certainly suggested that Berkshire look at investing in something that the Mungers were already invested in, but we’d been in it for years,” he said today in a telephone interview.” Of course, since there is no way to check,the general public will be happy to just take Munger’s word. After all, he is just as old and cuddly as that other guy, who following the recent spate of negative publicity, and especially Mike Steinhardt’s scathing review today, will very soon need his own reality show to preserve his “reputation.” Either way, here is the validation fro Munger why the SEC should not be currently deposing him: “I had Dave look at it, because I knew I couldn’t talk Warren into buying into the damn thing by myself. It’s a new technology-type investment. But David went over there, and he made the deal for Berkshire. I recused myself. But there’s no question about it, that I caused Dave’s original interest.” Of course, we would love to take Munger’s word for it: after all he represents just the same level of “integrity” as Buffett. But in the meantime, we would love to know at  what price Munger made his purchase, and, well, when, because at last check in the “years” preceding 2008, the stock was trading pretty much in line with any price achieved in 2008, not to mention the surge once the Buffett investment was announced. And we are convinced that while his self-proclaimed recusal will placate everyone that Munger may have committed a crime, perhaps the SEC should ask a question or two. If nothing else, than at least to clear the Vice-Chairman’s now thoroughly besmirched reputation.
From Bloomberg:

The Munger investment in BYD is different from Sokol’s in Lubrizol because of the longer amount of time that elapsed before Berkshire announced its intention to acquire shares, said James Cox, a professor of corporate and securities law at Duke University Law School in Durham, North Carolina.

“What really matters is the close time sequence that we all now know that Sokol made the investment,” he said.

We would respectfully, and completely, disagree. And while we will assume initially that Munger did not lie about how long he held BYD for (although we would not be all that shocked if our well-meaning naivete is proven wrong) a far greater issue is the cost basis which is the benchmark against which capital gains are calculated. But we certainly wouldn’t expect a corporate and securities law professor at Duke to know this. And what someone like Munger no doubt realizes is that once it becomes public that Berkshire is looking at a stock, regardless of whether Sokol, Munger, Buffett or the janitor is signing the actual wire transfer, the price would surge, making the cost basis that much more attractive… regardless if the holding period was 1 milliseconds or 10 years.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is probing whether Sokol, 54, bought shares in Lubrizol on inside information that Berkshire was considering buying the company, according to a person who declined to be identified because the investigation is secret. The SEC is seeking records from Sokol’s brokerage and examining trading data from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the person said last week. Buffett said March 30 that he doesn’t think Sokol’s purchases were unlawful.

Munger’s account of the BYD investments doesn’t raise “any taint or question mark” for Berkshire, said John Coffee, a securities law professor at Columbia University.

“There’s always going to be some possibility that a director will have some interest in a company that your firm is looking at for a transaction and you disclose that and you recuse yourself,” Coffee said.

That’s great. But how about we get the SEC’s opinion on the matter. After all, it is not like US capital markets are suffering from an overabundance of investor faith these days.
It would truly be a public service to clear up any possible confusion vis-a-vis just how criminal, if at all, the Munger purchase may have been. And, alas, for that we would fall back to the opinion of one Mary Schapiro, as much as we enjoy John Coffee’s non-porn surfing opinion. And lastly, the biggest issue here is what Buffett knew, and what he disclosed publicly: considering the general public had to learn of Munger’s massive purchase, and potential conflict of interest, only by parsing the transcript of a former member of the tainted and conflicted Berkshire family, one wonders: just who is hiding what here?
h/t Lizzie363

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Munger "Recuses Himself" As Frontrunning Focus Shifts To His BYD Purchase

It’s coming out like a can of worms…. It’s not just with 2 and 20 that fund managers make a killing…seems they’re all guilty of the same thing – Frontrunning

Charlie Munger may be just as guilty of a comparable attempt at frontrunning a Berkshire purchase through his previously undisclosed holdings of a 3% stake in BYD

see the story below from zero hedge

Munger “Recuses Himself” As Frontrunning Focus Shifts To His BYD Purchase
Author: Tyler Durden
April 6, 2011

A few days ago, we disclosed that based on David Sokol’s testimony to CNBC, Buffett’s right hand man, Charlie Munger, may be just as guilty of a comparable attempt at frontrunning a Berkshire purchase through his previously undisclosed holdings of a 3% stake in BYD. And despite the Octogenarian’s wishes that this story remain dead and buried, Bloomberg has decided to once again bring it up to popular attention. “Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Vice Chairman Charles Munger said his family was invested in BYD Co. “for years” before his company took a stake in the Chinese automaker and that he disclosed the financial interest to his business partner Warren Buffett. “I certainly suggested that Berkshire look at investing in something that the Mungers were already invested in, but we’d been in it for years,” he said today in a telephone interview.” Of course, since there is no way to check,the general public will be happy to just take Munger’s word. After all, he is just as old and cuddly as that other guy, who following the recent spate of negative publicity, and especially Mike Steinhardt’s scathing review today, will very soon need his own reality show to preserve his “reputation.” Either way, here is the validation fro Munger why the SEC should not be currently deposing him: “I had Dave look at it, because I knew I couldn’t talk Warren into buying into the damn thing by myself. It’s a new technology-type investment. But David went over there, and he made the deal for Berkshire. I recused myself. But there’s no question about it, that I caused Dave’s original interest.” Of course, we would love to take Munger’s word for it: after all he represents just the same level of “integrity” as Buffett. But in the meantime, we would love to know at  what price Munger made his purchase, and, well, when, because at last check in the “years” preceding 2008, the stock was trading pretty much in line with any price achieved in 2008, not to mention the surge once the Buffett investment was announced. And we are convinced that while his self-proclaimed recusal will placate everyone that Munger may have committed a crime, perhaps the SEC should ask a question or two. If nothing else, than at least to clear the Vice-Chairman’s now thoroughly besmirched reputation.
From Bloomberg:

The Munger investment in BYD is different from Sokol’s in Lubrizol because of the longer amount of time that elapsed before Berkshire announced its intention to acquire shares, said James Cox, a professor of corporate and securities law at Duke University Law School in Durham, North Carolina.

“What really matters is the close time sequence that we all now know that Sokol made the investment,” he said.

We would respectfully, and completely, disagree. And while we will assume initially that Munger did not lie about how long he held BYD for (although we would not be all that shocked if our well-meaning naivete is proven wrong) a far greater issue is the cost basis which is the benchmark against which capital gains are calculated. But we certainly wouldn’t expect a corporate and securities law professor at Duke to know this. And what someone like Munger no doubt realizes is that once it becomes public that Berkshire is looking at a stock, regardless of whether Sokol, Munger, Buffett or the janitor is signing the actual wire transfer, the price would surge, making the cost basis that much more attractive… regardless if the holding period was 1 milliseconds or 10 years.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is probing whether Sokol, 54, bought shares in Lubrizol on inside information that Berkshire was considering buying the company, according to a person who declined to be identified because the investigation is secret. The SEC is seeking records from Sokol’s brokerage and examining trading data from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, the person said last week. Buffett said March 30 that he doesn’t think Sokol’s purchases were unlawful.

Munger’s account of the BYD investments doesn’t raise “any taint or question mark” for Berkshire, said John Coffee, a securities law professor at Columbia University.

“There’s always going to be some possibility that a director will have some interest in a company that your firm is looking at for a transaction and you disclose that and you recuse yourself,” Coffee said.

That’s great. But how about we get the SEC’s opinion on the matter. After all, it is not like US capital markets are suffering from an overabundance of investor faith these days.
It would truly be a public service to clear up any possible confusion vis-a-vis just how criminal, if at all, the Munger purchase may have been. And, alas, for that we would fall back to the opinion of one Mary Schapiro, as much as we enjoy John Coffee’s non-porn surfing opinion. And lastly, the biggest issue here is what Buffett knew, and what he disclosed publicly: considering the general public had to learn of Munger’s massive purchase, and potential conflict of interest, only by parsing the transcript of a former member of the tainted and conflicted Berkshire family, one wonders: just who is hiding what here?
h/t Lizzie363

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>David Sokol: How Much Money Did He Make?


David Sokol: How Much Money Did He Make?
March 31, 2011, 12:11 PM ET

By Shira Ovide and Ronald Barusch

Some executives resign to “spend more time with their families.” David Sokol, the Berkshire Hathaway executive who resigned under a cloud, is decamping to make more money for his family. Which leads to the inevitable question: How much money does Sokol have, anyway?

Sokol said he wants to put together his own “mini-Berkshire,” he told CNBC today. He also expressed a wish to invest his money to create an “enterprise which will provide opportunity for my descendents and funding for my philanthropic interests,” according to Sokol’s resignation letter quoted by Warren Buffett.

In his decade-long role as a Berkshire official, and as the unofficial fix-it man for troubled Buffett businesses such as NetJets, Sokol has no doubt collected a tidy sum to funnel into philanthropic interests.

The scale of his compensation and wealth are not known. Berkshire does not disclose Sokol’s total annual compensation, nor his options or stock holdings in Berkshire Hathaway.

However, Sokol also serves as chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., an energy company in which Berkshire owns an 89.8% stake. A piece of MidAmerican trades shares on an over-the-counter exchange, and the company discloses compensation information for Sokol as part of its SEC disclosures.

Here is a look at what Sokol has pulled down just from MidAmerican.

In the past three years, MidAmerican has disclosed total compensation for Sokol of $24.2 million. The figure include his salary, bonuses, the changing value of his pension, company contributions to his 401(k) and other items, according to MidAmerican’s recent annual report.

Sokol also has pension benefits that MidAmerican valued at $7.8 million as of Dec. 31, according to the annual filing.

Sokol’s employment contract with MidAmerican entitles him to an estimated cash payment of $1.7 million if he loses his job involuntary “without cause.” It’s unclear if Sokol’s resignation will entitle him to the payout. (He doesn’t collect the severance if his departure is considered a retirement.) In any case, Sokol can walk away with with a pension value of $8.1 million, MidAmerican disclosed in the annual report. (Read Sokol’s employment contract HERE.)

Sokol also made a paper and real gain of roughly $3 million on his now controversial purchases of stock in Lubrizol, the specialty-chemicals company Berkshire later agreed to buy for $9 billion.

We don’t know how fat Sokol’s brokerage account is, but over three days in early January – before Sokol began to talk to Buffett about acquiring Lubrizol – Sokol bought roughly $10 million of Lubrizol shares. On CNBC today, Sokol said the purchases were part of his normal investments.

Sokol said in the interview that he doesn’t trade a lot, pegging the number of annual investment decisions at around three or four. After Berkshire agreed earlier this month to buy Lubrizol for $135 a share, Sokol’s paper gain on the shares is roughly $3 million.

Sokol also owns more than 1.4 million shares – or 20.24% — of a small bank, Middleburg Financial Corp. The company’s price is shooting up more than 9% today, giving Sokol a paper gain of roughly $1.9 million from yesterday.

 David Sokol: How Much Money Did He Make?

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